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Strictly Limited Games - 5th Anniversary: Release Book

Strictly Limited Games - 5th Anniversary: Release Book

For our 5th Anniversary, we wanted to give something back to our fans. Of course, it had to be special and physically Strictly Limited.

And what is more special than a dedicated Strictly Limited Games book?

Therefore, we created a Book featuring all of our previous releases in the last 5 years. In order to receive the book you had to purchase a game between the 11th of November and the 12th of December. After that period, we started to ship the Anniversary Books, for some territories it meant receiving the Anniversary Book right in time for Christmas.

Now a few months later we decided that we also want to give something back to our fans and customer who might have missed the chance to receive a physical edition of the Anniversary Book.

Therefore, we decided to post the Anniversary Book digitally on our website! Enjoy scrolling through five years of Strictly Limited Games and discover some of our first releases ever!

We hope you enjoy the book as much as we do!
And who knows maybe there will be a sequel to the book for the 10th Anniversary...

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